Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sick Puppy

Standing out on the sidewalk in the cool night air I still managed to sweat profusely from the amount of stress I was undergoing. My friend was puffing away on a cigarette ever so cooly and he turned to me and said "This is a perfect example of why the American healthcare system sucks". My darling Greek friend is more than correct.

I knew Bruiser wasn't feeling well when I grabbed his treat bag and shook it for him. Generally, with this action my 4 month old rottweiler goes flying in all directions around the kitchen, instead of his usual antics he look up at me from his bed and sighed. I immediately called my beloved Billy at work trying to figure out a way to get my very sick puppy to a hospital. Luckily, a more than generous friend stepped in and took me and my sick furry little baby to Penns vet hospital.

After, sitting in a waiting room with chairs so slick I had to hold myself up to keep from sliding off and a binder full of thank you letters, the ultra cocky vet student came out with the news.

"Well, looks like you have one sick pup. The thing is he has Parvo. You either treat him or he dies. It's going to cost $3500 dollars. I need $1200 tonight. Sound good?"

"Um, erm, well, maybe tomorrow I could transfer some savings money and um.."

"Tonight. The receptionist needs it now. Make some calls and get the money."

My heart sunk. So, I have to go Lindsay Lohan on my bank account or my dog will die.

I only have $200 in my account. What do I do? Not pay? Will they kill Bruiser? I began to panic. I'm about to cry. Darling Dean stepped in and wrote a check, but what if Dean wasn't there? What if I really only had $200 tonight? It really upset me. A woman was pacing in the lobby crying into her cell phone "They must have $3,000 to keep him here tonight or he'll die". It's truly a shame the way our healthcare is. I'd get more in depth, but its 1am and I am exhausted. I have class tomorrow. I doubt I'll go. I won't be able to sleep.

$3,500. I don't have $3,500. I don't start working until the end of the month. Any donations will be gladly accepted. I am considering setting up a "Save The Bruiser" foundation to come up with the funds to pay the bills. I do have some lemonade in the fridge - perhaps selling some delicious country time would help with finances. Bikini car wash? If anyone has any ideas I am open to suggestions.

Thanks again my lovely Panic! at the discoer. Words cannot explain my gratitude for your help. I am going to try and get some sleep. Goodnight for now.



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