Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Patrick's Day

Growing up St. Patrick's Day was a day full of Irish Dance shows and scoffing if Trinity happened to be at the same place performing. Being Irish I feel that I have all the right in the world to vent my anger for the slurring of my culture on this absurd excuse for a 'holiday'. Since this Holy Day of Obligation has transformed into a day where non-Irish can parade around America from bar to bar drinking away without judgment I feel I must set the record straight.

No one in Ireland eats corned beef and cabbage. Green food? Green beer? Who the hell actually eats that shit? No one in my family would ever get excited over green buffalo wings. The idea of consuming green dyed beer and wings makes my stomach turn. I am utterly repulsed.

I also don't understand what makes Irish people a bunch of alcoholics. Yes, people go to bars more often that Americans would, but over there drinking isn't as much of a taboo as it is in this country. They also don't binge drink. I have friends and family in England who frequent bars and you don't hear how the English are a bunch of alcoholics.

I feel somewhat ashamed for being Irish on this holiday because of the way people celebrate it. I think it's especially disrespectful when Irish-Americans succumb to wearing absurd green tat and chugging 'car bombs'. They might as well parade around in Belfast.


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