Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I saw it for the first time in over a year.

The lights were on. The shades were up. Inside I saw a thin blonde girl staring out at me from the side window. She looked empty. Something in her eyes made me want to envelop her with kindness and love. Her tear stained face sent chills up and down my spine. She looked down at me, trapped in her tower. I wanted to rescue her. Save her from the hurt and the pain consuming her life. She needed to be saved.

A group of stumbling college kids laughed as they walked in front of my car. I looked back at the window. She was gone, all that was left was a reflection of my face.

1:13am. 33rd and Powelton. Alcohol running thick in my veins as I waited for the light to change, I flicked my cigarette onto the cold pavment. Emotion rushed over me. I felt as if a knife had been driven through my chest. As I turned the corner I looked in my rear view. She was gone now, whoever she was-discarded like a cheap Louis Vuitton knockoff.

Gone, lost, but not forgotten.


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