Thursday, June 01, 2006

Drunk at 11:34 PM

This morning I awoke at dawn with beautiful sunbeams dancing around my gorgeous naked curves and soft perfect skin. I realized that I have been away from this blog for far too long. I've missed writing about my trials and tribulations of being a trust fund baby/student/writer. I've missed my sanctuary, escape, garbage chute for words and thoughts of Philadelphia life.

I'm selfish, I was used to the hoards of comments and e-mails in my in-box. ego boosts from on-lookers about how skinny and gorgeous I am. E-mails from jealous haters talking shit about how gorgeous and thin I am. I miss the attention. The knowing that you people can't live without posts of self-absorbtion. I like putting myself out here. coming clean, being vulnerable, allowing my inner secrets to be splattered all across this page. I love that I don't hide anything.

I can't help, but be full of stories brought to you from the armpits of North America. My realizations that people actually have to live in New Jersey, shop in malls, and spend free time in K-Marts and Wal-Marts. I never realized that girls never owned Charles David's or a pair of Blisterniks (or two).

The other afternoon I was having lunch with my fave chiclet Katie Rose. Discussing how wonderful it would be to buy an Hermes Birkin bag. Then we moped how we were meant to be heiresses because we then could have 5 Birkin bags and a reality show much better than "The Simple Life". Then, I thought of the precious Roxy and realized she is forever linked to Quiksilver/Roxy. Her parents were evil to have named her after their trashy female surf company. Having to have my own first name attatched to dreadful hippie/loser companies would kill me. I could never be an heiress to a bad name. Thankfully, my name is written in oil so I have nothing to worry about.

In other news, things have been stressful. I have been moving with Billy all week. I am dying for a Christian Dior red satin dress to wear to Danielle's wedding, but I think spending $4,000 on a party dress may be a bit much. I found a D&G rag I may have to settle for that. Not like anyone will be looking at me because Danielle is going to be ravishing and so will the reception. I am splurging on a pair of silver Jimmy Choos because I have to treat myself.

Work is looking good. I have a few modeling gigs in NYC/Las Vegas in the upcoming weeks. I get extensions next week so my new blonde $1,500 locks better make me some money.

It's sweltering hot in this room. I think it's time for bed.


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